Hey Chris, hope all is well! I just wanted to bring to your attention that a certain Dale McKinney (WMDJ 100.1 Alllen, Ky.) called you out by name this morning. He claimed you were forecasting 4-6 inches of rain from this FIRST system, when I knew you were forecasting a week’s total of two systems. He said HE knew this was just a rain that would wash the mud off and give us a good cleaning. He also stated that he only listens to the NWS Jackson, because being that they are GOVERNMENT FUNDED, they are going to be right. In what country is this man living where he thinks anything that the government is touching is better? I’ll stick with you Chris, because unlike the government, you seem to be “FOR THE PEOPLE!”
I like the new layout! 🙂
And I’d really like it if this next week’s little snow grows into a bigger (and bigger..and bigger!) storm for all us little snow-deprived souls!