The European was the first model to jump on board with this system and continues to show a central Gulf Of Mexico hit by Friday or Saturday…
The model continues to bring what’s left of that toward Kentucky…
The GFS is even going toward this scenario…
To review… A system from Kentucky heads toward the Gulf and tries to become a tropical system. That may come ashore along the Gulf coast then head back toward where it started… Kentucky. Pretty wild, huh? Let’s see how this thing actually plays out in the coming days.
As always, I leave you with your tracking toys for the day…
Possible Watch Areas
Have a great Sunday and take care.
Nothing surprising me anymore….KY seems like the tropics with abundent rain year round, only cooler than the real tropics but a lot warmer than it used to be it seems!
Terry, The two system coming together ( negative on the northern system and a positive system in the Gulf of Mexico makes for a real storm. If this was January or February the western part of the state would have a major snowstorm or blizzard and the rest of the state would be in the warm sector unless the path is farther east ( Appalachian Runner. )
These scattered storms over the past 12 days have all but missed my backyard(near Georgetown Kroger). The garden could use a natural drink. We’ve had thunder in the distance several days(including yesterday), but no rain hits. We had some rain on Wednesday, that’s it for nearly 2 weeks.
We have not missed out a day down here in Knox. It’s not rained all day but when it has its come down in buckets. Would love to have a decent dry stretch before summer comes to an end but very much doubt that will happen. This is Kentucky and we are the land of the rain.
For some not all
Right, I’ve had very little rain here in Taylor County the last two weeks. More to the west in Ohio County.
Pouring again here in Knox.
The Hurricane Center gives a low end 20% chance and the local NWS not even acknowledging any tropical development.
It’s still interesting to watch for development.
Have a great and quiet Sunday everyone.
It honestly could not rain any harder than it is right now at my house. This is the fourth or fifth straight day that a torrential downpour has happened here. The vegetation could not get any more green for July than it is right now. My yard is a mud hole once again.
Finally, it is hitting Harlan good. I am only at 0.16 for the month but this heavy ban will quickly change that! I will update a total later today!
It flooded the streets all over town. Poured for an hour or more.
I received 1.30 in here. It was a very heavy rain and only lasted about 30 minutes. I would have had flooding if it had not been drier lately here.
I got 0.07 in my backyard of Knox County lol glad for not much rain and cooler temps today 😀
Wow Andy. They had roads blocked off in town because the drains couldn’t handle all the water.