Good Monday everyone. We are rolling our way through the middle of April pretty quickly and the weather continues to be on the tranquil side. This week should be a little more active… not that it would require much to be labeled as such.

We are coming off of a cooler weekend that featured temps much cooler than what we have been used to over the past several weeks. We had a decent frost Sunday morning and some areas will wake up to a little more of the same on this Monday. Sunshine will boost temps a few degrees warmer than our weekend highs with readings hitting the middle 60s for most areas.

The rest of the forecast looks like this…

A weak area of low pressure will roll just to our south Tuesday. This will likely come just close enough to bring some showers into the southern parts of the area. You can see that here on the NAM

Tuesday Evening

It will be interesting to see just how far north those showers can get. Highs Tuesday will range from the 60s outside of rains to the upper 50s for those areas getting in on the showers.

There may be just enough instability on Wednesday afternoon for a scattered shower or two as highs should remain in the 60s.

It is by late in the week into the weekend when our attention will turn to a storm developing across the plains states. Much warmer air will flood in here by Friday and Saturday. A few showers or thunderstorms may accompany the leading edge of this warm surge on Friday. This is the best looking system in terms of potential to produce showers and storms and much needed rainfall in a long time.

Here is the look of the European Model…

On another note… we have all heard about the big volcano eruption across southern Iceland that has forced a grounding of airlines across Europe. I came across some cool looking pics of lightning being produced during this eruption…

Yea.. I know… That is WILD!!  I have been getting asked a lot if this eruption will impact the overall climate across the world as some volcanic eruptions of the past have done. So far… this doesn’t look like it will unless it goes on and on and on and throws ash much higher up than the 35,000 foot mark that I have seen from reports so far. This particular volcano does have a big sister nearby that likes to blow her top not long after the little sister does. If that happens… then it could be something that would have a greater impact on climate.

Have a great Monday and take care.