Good Friday everyone. We are finally heading into a decent looking weekend here across the state. The sunshine we had out there on Thursday was just what the doctor ordered and that looks to continue into the weekend as our temps come up a bit. Some changes will be rolling here next week though as a slow moving storm system rolls our way.

Let’s jump into it all…

Today will see a partly to mostly sunny sky as temps hang in the low and mid 40s once again. While this is nice… you have to keep in mind that normal highs are in the 50s for this time of year.

Saturday looks even better with more sun and temps that will be a bit warmer with mid and upper 40s with a 50 out west.

Sunday will be a breezy day as temps hit the low 50s. There is a weak system that will dive in here late in the day into early Monday. Clouds will increase during the afternoon and there is likely to be a quick moving band of showers moving in. This batch may hang around into the start of Monday meaning a tricky temp forecast is in the cards. If the clouds hang tough then upper 40s to near 50 will be as good as it gets. If the clouds decrease then we make a run at 60.

A slow moving low pressure system will camp out across the southern plains for a few days early next week. This means fairly mild temps will be with us into the middle of next week. This may also be a pretty wet period into the end of the week. Take a look at the setup on the GFS…

Wednesday Evening

Thursday Evening

Friday Evening

We will have to keep an eye on this setup for a couple of reasons. The first being the potential for a prolonged rain event if the models are correct. If the models are not correct… colder air may give this storm a more wintry feel before it is over.

That’s all you get for now. I will have updates as needed and through the weekend so make sure you check back. Have a great Friday and take care.