Good Tuesday everyone and thanks for checking out what the blog has to offer. These are often quite times on the weather blog as not a whole lot of people care about dull March weather… I can’t say that I blame them. The weather for the rest of this week will fall into that category as temps warm and some sunshine returns. The weather may not be so dull by later in the weekend and early next week as a storm changes the pattern up a bit.

Here is what the next 5 days look like…

The breakdown looks like this…

– Today will feature clouds breaking up some as temps rise into the 50s.

– A weak system skirts to our south Wednesday and will throw a few more clouds back our way. There may be just enough moisture for a light shower or some sprinkles our way… especially in the south. Highs will stay in the 50s.

– Thursday through Saturday will feature some GREAT spring weather as temps soar well into the 60s with some sun. Saturday will be rather windy and that may boost temps toward 70.

– A pretty decent storm will roll through the region on Sunday. We could start the day with thunderstorms and temps near 60 and end it with temps in the 30s and some snowflakes trying to mix in during the night. The European model shows this setup nicely…

Have a great Tuesday and take care.