Good Monday, folks. We are counting down the days and the hours until the ball drops on 2015. The final few days of the current year will be on the colder side of the thermometer and the cold weather looks to become much more common into the new year.

Let’s start with our Monday and roll forward. Highs today will top out in the upper 30s to low 40s with mostly cloudy skies. Some breaks will be possible, especially in the west and north.

A weak disturbance will crank up just to our east later tonight into early Tuesday. That will try to throw a few snowflakes into the eastern half of the state. At this point, a few flakes look to be the maximum for most. Far southeastern Kentucky continues to have a shot at a period of some light snow.

Highs on Tuesday will be in the 30s with partly to mostly cloudy skies. The cold air continues to settle in for the final day of the year on Wednesday. Highs will be in the upper 20s to around 30 with temps ranging from the upper teens to the low 20s as we say hello to 2015.

CanadianΒ It’s from this point we turn our attention toward the end of the week into the weekend. A TON of energy is coming across the southwestern part of the country. How all of it decides to come out will be the big determining factor on how things shake out around here.

The European Model continues to show some overrunning mix to start things out…


The new version of the GFS has slowed the process down a bit. It sends one piece of energy out later Friday into Saturday with rain and a mix. It holds on to a lot of that energy until later in the weekend and early next week. By then, colder air has returned from the north as the storm takes an eastward track well to our south. Here’s the end result from that run…


This is a very complicated setup that will be a pain in the backside to figure out in the coming days. I wish I could tell you how this works out, but I don’t want to lie to you any more than I already do. πŸ™‚

I will have updates later today. Take care.