Good Tuesday, folks. It’s another day of calm weather across the Commonwealth and ain’t nobody complaining about that. This is part of the calm pattern we’ve earned, but how long can we keep it rolling? The Super Bowl Weekend system continues to be problem.

We know the weather over the next several days is pretty calm, even with a few fronts working in. Temps will spike and drop and winds will be very gusty through Friday.

A cold front then drops in on Saturday with a period of rain ahead of it and a switch to light snow right behind it as temps crash…


This slows down enough to allow for low pressure to develop along the southern edge of the boundary. This could really crank if we get the upper levels to cooperate and that’s what the GFS is trying to do.

This is firing up a hefty storm just to our southeast Super Bowl Sunday into Sunday night…


Where that low pops is the determining factor on how much of a threat this is for snow around here.

The Canadian Model is seeing the slowing front, but isn’t firing up the low along it…


The EURO has a little bit of action along and behind the front…


It then keeps the storm well to our southeast into the coastal Carolinas.

This is certainly worth watching the trends over the next few days as this energy finally gets into an area it can be properly sampled.

If we take a look into spring, we find the CFS keeping a colder than normal look going for the March through May period…


Colder than normal springs have been common of late and that really stinks.

The same CFS also keeps precipitation normal to above normal…


What does the CFS say about the summer ahead? Here’s the June through August period for temps…


It also has another above normal rainfall summer…


With a potential El Nino coming on this year, the above maps fit the climo of such an event.

Enjoy your Dey and take care.