It’s A Who Dey SunDey!

Good Super Bowl SunDey, folks. For anyone who knows me or follows me on Twitter, you guys know I’m lifelong Cincinnati Bengals fan, so today’s a pretty HUGE Dey for me. It’s been a minute since me and my fellow Bengals fans have been in this situation, so forgive me if my weather interest is a touch lower than normal today. 😁

Of course, my lower weather interest is still above just about anyone else in the weather business, so no worries.

Let’s begin with today and roll forward. Temps are cold and we are watching for a band of light snow and flurries to drop in from northwest to southeast this evening into the overnight. The best chance for seeing this is across central and eastern Kentucky, but don’t expect much from this no matter where you live. Some minor accumulations will be possible, but don’t hold your breath on much coming from this. Here’s the area most at risk for seeing some light snow on the ground…


After some additional flakes and a cold start to the new week on Monday, temps warm quickly on Tuesday and reach the 50s and 60s for the middle of the week. That’s with a strong southwest wind that cranks ahead of a big storm system rolling through the Mississippi Valley toward the Great Lakes from Wednesday through Thursday. The track of this low means all the difference in the world on how far north the severe threat can get.

Many of the models are much more muted with the severe signal now and, instead, bring more of a heavy rain and wind to winter weather threat.

The Canadian was the first to sniff this out and it continues to do so…


The EURO has a similar look…


The GFS has been farthest northwest, but it’s trending farther southeast…


Once that system moves out, the various Ensembles are trying to send a trough into the west with a ridge across the east. Here’s the look from the EURO Ensembles for the last week or the month…


That type of a setup would bring a lot of precipitation through here. Here are the two week precip anomalies from the control run of the EURO Ensembles…


If we look super long range we find the control runs of the GFS and EURO Weeklies showing a wet and likely stormy setup into March. Check out how far above normal they are showing precipitation totals for select times…





I will have another update later today, so check back in. I leave you with your radars for the Dey

Have a great Who Dey and take care.


  1. DottieW-LexKY

    Enjoy your DEY Chris. I hope your Bengals win toDEY!

  2. Jeff Hamlin

    #RamsHouse #HornsUp:)

  3. Paul DeLong

    I am trying to figure out WHO DEY is it the Bengal’s mascot or something else

  4. Illinois Mike

    Happy Super Bowl Sunday everyone!

    We have a real mess coming up for Wednesday in the Chicago area, with heavy rain during the day changing to freezing rain, sleet, and snow at night.

  5. Russell

    RIP snow
    Hello rain train

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