The Return of The Low Brings More Rain

Good Thursday to one and all. It’s another day of watching showers and some thunderstorms spinning around the same low pressure. This low is coming back at us from the south and southeast and will impact us into the start of the weekend.

Today starts with just some scattered stuff with lots of dry areas. The rain will then increase as that low our of east Tennessee into eastern Kentucky late today into tonight. Showers will cover much of central and eastern Kentucky under this low with some scattered stuff remaining on Friday.

This future radar starts at 8am this morning and goes through 8pm Friday…

Locally heavy downpours are a good bet in a few spots, so I can’t rule out local issues. Here are your radars to follow today’s increasing rains…

There’s still the chance for a leftover shower or storm on Saturday across the eastern half of the state. Temps range from the upper 70s east to the low and mid 80s west.

Sunday is a day where many are dry with temps in the 80s. Showers and storms will then increase from the west later in the day as another deep system dives into the region from the northwest.

The models seem to have a good handle on the upper levels…



Again, that’s not a look we typically see in summer but we have seen it several times already this June.

Showers and storms roll across the region Sunday night and Monday with a few more showers possibly spinning in on that northwest flow for Tuesday…



Temps stay solidly below normal through the middle of next week.

The various Ensembles are seeing the possibility of another fairly deep system across our region to begin July…



That could keep things below normal for the 4th of July holiday weekend and could also bring shower and storm chances back in here.

Make it a great Thursday and take care.


  1. Schroeder

    I hope we continue this rainy pattern, as my area has not seen the good long lasting rains. Soil moisture not totally adequate for crops going into July, which could turn out to be hot and dry.

    • Crystal in Pikeville

      I hope it doesn’t get too hot but tis the season summer is here!! I have enjoyed these below normal temp days .

      • Schroeder

        I always liked the Summers where the high temperatures never exceed 90 degrees, and the lows in the high 50’s with fogy mornings. Makes for beautiful Sunrises.

      • Jeff Hamlin

        Below normal feels good but is otherwise overrated.

    • LexingtonYardGuy

      We’ve been in East Tennessee all week on a fishing trip with grandchildren. They are relatively impervious to drizzle and intermittent showers, so with the cloudy to partially cloudy skies, the temperatures have been perfect and the fishing good enough. Last summer at the same time it was baking hot and showcased an unrelenting sun. We all sought shelter in the heat of the day. This may be temporary, but it’s a welcome departure from normal.

      • Schroeder

        Always good times on a Fishing trip.

      • Schroeder

        Always good times on a Fishing trip.

  2. Jeff Hamlin

    We need a good few days in the 90s but just enough rain for crops.

  3. Schroeder

    Sounds good to me.

  4. Winterlover

    so far perfect summer weather for me. Just need some rain.

    • Schroeder

      Looks like the Rain has moved out of our reach.

      • DottieW-LexKY

        Thanks for sharing that article Schroeder. It was definitely something to be proud of.

  5. Schroeder

    Thanks Dottie.

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