Ring Of Fire Pattern Ahead

Good Monday everyone. Severe weather caused a lot of issues across the state Sunday afternoon and evening with widespread power outages and some super large hail. As we look ahead, we have more storms to track as a ‘Ring of Fire’ pattern sets up late in the week.

Damaging winds and large hail, as expected, turned out to be the main severe weather players on Sunday. Take a trip back through my Twitter feed to see all the damage from across the region:

Temps are way down today compared to Sunday as northwest winds slowly kick in. Wrap around showers and thunderstorms will be sweeping in from the north and northwest later in the day, especially across the north and east. Here are your radars for this very non-summer looking pattern…

Additional showers and storms will be around on Tuesday, but this will be fairly scattered with the greatest concentration across the east.

Wednesday looks and feels really good so get out and enjoy it.

The pattern from Thursday through Sunday looks to feature some serious heat bubbling northward along the Mississippi River and some of this rolls into Kentucky. This won’t fully get in here as rounds of thunderstorms look to be rolling along the outer edges of the real deal heat. This means we may very well see some strong to severe storms coming at us in waves during this time…

The models agree on these storms diving in from the west and northwest…



In addition to severe storms, these boomers may also put down some pretty good rains…

This pattern is something to watch going forward.

Have a terrific Tuesday and take care.


  1. Which Way Is the Wind Blowing

    All the action is coming from the Northwest.
    I hope the extreme heat continues to stay to the Southwest.

  2. LexingtonYardGuy

    We got 1.85” of needed rain, little wind, no hail, and were surrounded by plenty of lightning and rolling thunder.

  3. JoeDfromBG

    In the Bowling Green area, the vast majority of storm activity stayed to the north and east. This is clearly visible on the WarrenRECC outage map:

    At my PWS location, which is several miles due south of BG, we only picked up 0.10″ of rain.

    • Which Way Is the Wind Blowing

      Wow, I can say at my house the drought is over.
      If these Low waves continue you will eventually hit the jackpot.

  4. Schroeder

    We had good Rains here in Maple about 2.41 ” No damage just loud thunder and lots of lightning.

  5. Crystal in Pikeville

    Glad you got rain Schroeder. I am glad too my sister and family were spared in Greenwood Indiana . The tornado touched down yesterday evening about 2 miles from her home. Looked like though there were damages to other homes.

  6. Schroeder

    That December Tornado in 2020 touched down a half mile from my home here in Taylor County. I spotted the funnel cloud and headed for the basement. Severe homes were heavily damage. A close call. Now I’m afraid every time we have severe weather in the area. Like last night.

    • Crystal in Pikeville

      That was a very close call Schroeder! I saw a video of yesterday evening tornado where she lives looked like a big tornado but I just went by the video but thankfully I have only heard of home damaged and not people. I hope it stays that way. She is in Bargersville and my nieces are in Greenwood so very thankful they were spared. We are having heavy rain as I type. It seems like we are seeing an increase In Severe weather and tornados.

  7. Schroeder

    That December Tornado in 2020 touched down a half mile from my home here in Taylor County. I spotted the funnel cloud and headed for the basement. Severe homes were heavily damage. A close call. Now I’m afraid every time we have severe weather in the area. Like last night.

    • Schroeder

      several homes ( spelling correction )

  8. Schroeder

    Wonder why my computer keeps posting my comments twice ? Can’t figure it out. I’m doing something wrong.

  9. Schroeder

    Wonder why my computer keeps posting my comments twice ? Can’t figure it out. I’m doing something wrong.

  10. kywildcat

    1 inch in Corbin, probably totally out of the drought now. Cumberland falls looked great today

  11. Schroeder

    I bet the fish are biting to.

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