Good Saturday and welcome to a drier and colder weekend. The past week of weather has been about as soggy as you can get here in Kentucky. Rain totals of 3″-5″ have been common in many areas since last Saturday. Now that we start to clear that out… temps start to tumble and may threaten record lows.

Cold front number one works across the state very early today and this will set us up for a big temp swing from northwest to southeast. Readings will struggle to get into the low 60s across parts of central and northern areas. This may also mean clouds will be slow to decrease and there could be some early sprinkles or showers… especially in the east.

Another cold front works in this evening with a narrow ribbon of showers. Winds will gust up and temps will tank into the upper 30s for some by Sunday morning. Winds should stay up enough to prevent frost.

Mother’s Day will feature a partly sunny sky with temps in the upper 50s for a lot of the region. Sunday night is the time we’ve been pointing to for possible record lows and frost. Nothing has changed with this line of thinking as temps dive into the low and middle 30s for parts of central and eastern Kentucky by Monday morning.

The silver lining is this is we have a massive turnaround in temps early next week…


We go from possible record lows on Monday to the low and mid 80 by Wednesday.

As temps warm… the threat for showers and thunderstorms will increase for the end of next week. The wet pattern we’re in continues to hang tough over the next few weeks…

GFS Rain

Make it a great Saturday and take care.