Good Tuesday everyone. The heat wave is just beginning to crank up across the state and will reach full strength by Wednesday and Thursday. Temps hit the low and mid 90s Monday and will easily reach the middle 90s for the next few days. I say bring it on.

There isn’t much that can be said about the hot weather… it’s here and all we can do is sweat it out. Highs today will generally be within a degree or two of 95 in many areas. Track the highs today with the near real time information from the good folks at Kentucky Mesonet…

Wednesday into Thursday will be the hottest temps of this heat wave and could easily be the hottest of the entire summer of 2010. Highs in the middle 90s will be common with a shot at a few upper 90s. Factor in the high humidity levels and heat index values will likely top 100 degrees. That is dangerous stuff there so take it easy outdoors this week.

And just think… the core of the heat will be off to our east along the east coast where highs will top 100 degrees!

The good news in all this is a cold front will move in here later Friday into early Saturday. Showers and thunderstorms will increase during this time and the front will bring cooler air to us by the weekend. Here is what the GFS looks like Friday evening…

Highs this weekend will cool all the way down into the mid and upper 80s. That doesn’t sound cool… but it will certainly feel it after this week.

I mentioned several days ago to watch the tropics as they might try to pop something close to home. The National Hurricane Center is watching a couple of spots for possible development…

TC Activity

Ok… have a great day and try to beat the heat. Take care.