Good Monday everyone and welcome to the hottest week of the summer. Temps are going to be on the scorching side for the next several days before the pattern flips around a bit toward cooler and wetter weather.

Our 4th of July weekend featured nothing short of normal summertime hot temps around 90 for most areas. Highs the next several days will easily reach the low and mid 90s. Throw in high humidity levels and the uncomfortable factor will REALLY be on the increase.

The core of the heat will remain to our east as parts of the Mid Atlantic states will bake this week with temps around 100 or even better. Still.. it will be PLENTY hot around here and if our spring and early summer had been very dry… triple digit temps around here would have been very possible.

The hottest days this week should come Wednesday and Thursday. This shows up nicely on the european model…

Back by popular demand is the 5 day forecast…

Your breakdown of the heat…

– Highs will hit the low and mid 90s each day this week as lows only reach the low and mid 70s.

– The heat index temps will be near 100 degrees for a couple days, at least.

– The next best threat for showers and thunderstorms will come our way this weekend as the heat ridge gives way to cooler temps. That will set us up for MUCH cooler and wetter weather into next week as the heat heads west for a while. The GFS is trying to get our change to begin later this Friday…

That’s all I have for a Monday. Have a great day and stay cool.

Take care.