Good Tuesday everyone and welcome to the Mr. T of weather blogs. Why am I calling this  Mr. T? Well… Today is Tuesday and the topics of the blog include… Temps, Thunder and Tropics. That gives us four T‘s…  hence the Mr. T reference. Plus… I just think its cool to work a true American icon into a weather blog.

Thunderstorms rolled across parts of the area Monday and these caused all kinds of problems. Wind damage was reported in several counties as trees and power lines got tossed around a bit. The storms also had torrential rains of 1′-3″ that caused some flash flooding. 

Parts of the state could be in for some more of these clusters of storms rumbling through here at some point today into this evening. Watch areas to our northwest as storms that blow up there can move toward this region. The best areas to get in on some storm action will be across the north and east

The radars will help you track the boomers…           

Just like yesterday… some of the storms may become severe… not that the Storm Prediction Center would ever notice. They must cover all parts of the country outside of ours because they have ignored this area this whole severe weather season. It is off the charts bad on their part and has been since the spring. Either way… here is what they think about the rest of the country and the chances for severe storms today…

SPC Products Overview

Next up on the T list is the Temps. Outside of any storms that may move across the region. Highs today will soar into the lower 90s for most areas. Middle 90s will be likely out west. Factor in the humidity and the heat index can hit 100 degrees and even higher across the west.

Track the thermometers here…

Current Temps

Feel Like Temp

Wednesday should end up being the hottest day of the week as readings hit the low and maybe middle 90s. Can we get another thunderstorm complex to come rolling in? It is possible… but the action may shift far enough north to miss most of our region.

Thursday will bring a cold front in here with a likely line of showers and thunderstorms. Some of these may become strong once again as a “cooler” brand of air moves in for Friday. Upper 80s to near 90 degree highs will then move back in for the weekend as will the chance for a few scattered storms.

The final T comes from the Tropics. A system across the Caribbean is trying to get itself together and may develop into a depression and eventually into Alex in the coming days. Here is the latest from the National Hurricane Center…

TC Activity

goes east infra red hurricane sector image

This system is over VERY warm water and conditions look favorable for this to develop in the coming days. What is alarming about this possible storm is where some of the forecast models take this into the weekend and next week… The Gulf of Mexico! Given the masive oil spill down there… let’s hope this thing just goes away quietly.

I will have updates as needed so be sure to check back. Until next time… I pity the fool!   By the way… I hate the letter T after this blog! Who knew there were so many of them to highlightthat was a bad idea on my part.

Take care.