Good Sunday everyone and Happy Father’s Day to all our blogging dads out there! This is your special day so enjoy being pampered and showered with gifts. Oh wait… you mean that doesn’t happen on this big day?   One thing that is happening is the heat and it will become more of a player in the coming days.

A dying line of storms that moved into the area Saturday kept temps in check as most areas only hit the upper 80s. The core of the heat will remain to our west again today as readings head toward the upper 80s and low 90s for many areas.

Can we crank up another storm or two? That is possible and if we can.. you will find them here…

Follow today’s temps here…

The heat will really try to expand in here as we work into Monday and Tuesday. There is no doubt that reading will be much hotter the farther west you live. Most areas should see low 90s through Wednesday and a few areas may reach the middle 90s. Western Kentucky is the prime area to see some mid to upper 90s during this time.

The GFS has been way overdone with temps for several days now. That said.. it may actually be onto something for the next few days. Here is what it shows for highs…

I still think you can subtract a degree or two from what it is showing. One thing that can go against the heat is the threat for clusters of thunderstorms rolling in here from the northwest. If those do form… this can significantly alter the highs… just like what we saw on Saturday. I would not be surprised in the least to see a few storms moving in from the northwest.

An actually front will inch closer to the area by later Wednesday into Thursday and will bring a higher chance for some booming storms. The GFS has slowed this front down and brings it in on Thursday…

Have a great Sunday and take care.