Good Friday to one and all and welcome to the first weekend of June. Thunderstorms have been going up in clusters in recent days and these have formed and moved across different parts of the state each time. The question of the day is… who wants the next cluster of storms?

A few rounds of thunderstorms will be likely again today across the region and once again… these will be hard to pin down as to when and where. Just like the past several days… these boomers can produce damaging winds, large hail and cause local flash flooding. The radars are with us for your storm tracking desires…

If you got in on some heavy rains from storms in the past few days… your area will stand a higher risk of seeing some flash flooding. Temps today will be in the 80s outside of storms.

The same trend will hold true into the weekend as showers and thunderstorms try to roll in from the northwest Saturday into Sunday.These storms can try to organize a bit more than what we have seen in recent days and may carry a greater threat for severe weather if that is the case. That is something we will be watching for over the weekend. In between these clusters of storms… we will have several dry hours for you to get outdoor things in.

As of now… Monday looks mainly dry before more showers and storms fight back in by Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. This happens as the heat tries to surge back in here.

I will update the storms as needed so check back. Have a great Friday and take care.