Good Monday everyone and welcome to the last full week of May. This is going to feel more like a week out of late June as warm temps and high humidity levels set up shop for a while. This pattern will also lead to the threat for a few afternoon and evening thunderstorms going up.

Since the weather should be fairly quiet today… I will keep this post rather short and to the point.

Highs today will be rather similar to what we had across the area on Sunday. The warmerst air will be out west where temps will again flirt with 90. Farther east.. low and middle 80s will be the rule. Track the temps here…

The rest of the forecast goes like this…

– Tuesday will see more of the same with temps again well into the 80s. A chance for an afternoon thunderstorm will be with us.

– Wednesday… see above!

– Moisture will begin to increase a bit for Thursday and Friday as a weak front approaches from the north. The threat for showers and storms will be on the increase just a bit during this time.

– With the amount of moisture in the air and the fairly light winds upstairs this week… any storm that goes up could produce locally heavy rains.

I told you this update would short and sweet. Have a great Monday and take care.