Good Wednesday gang. The weather continues to talk a walk on the ugly side across our part of the world as a stubborn area of low pressure hangs around. This will bring more of the same today before we clear things out for a nice Thursday. Because we don’t want to spoil you guys too much… yet another slow moving low will bring more rain to us by Friday and into the coming weekend.

Mostly cloudy skies will be back with us today and anyone is fair game for a sprinkle or shower. The greatest concentration of showers will be across eastern Kentucky. Here are the radars you have seen way to much of lately…

Highs today will be back into the 60s once again.

MUCH better weather is in store for Thursday as temps make a run into the 70s as partly sunny skies return. If you have anything to do outdoors this week… Thursday is your day to do it!

Low pressure will roll our way by Friday. This will cause showers and thunderstorms to break out around here later Thursday night into Friday. This will be another slow low and will have plenty of moisture to work with meaning heavy rains will likely fall on top of a water logged region.

The GFS is having feedback issues right now so I decided to break out the Canadian model to illustrate my point…

The threat for showers and storms will be with us through the entire weekend. The good news with all that is the temps should be fairly mild with 70s and maybe an 80 for highs with enough sun. See… we can always find the silver lining.

The pattern into next week will be a very warm and humid one for much of the eastern half of the country. Because of the high humidity levels… an almost daily threat for, at least, some scattered afternoon thunderstorms will be with us. Highs next week should soar well into the 80s and those will likely carry us into Memorial Day Weekend.

That’s all I have for you crazy kids today. Have a great Wednesday and take care.