Good Saturday everyone. Today is going to be a busy weather day across the state and for much of the country as a major outbreak of severe thunderstorms and tornadoes is likely. The area most at risk stretches from the deep south northward into the Ohio Valley. This event could turn out to be a memorable one for some areas before all is said and done.

We have set the stage well over the past several days on how this whole setup evolves.  A spiralling low pressure across the plains has been responsible for two days of severe weather so far. This low will give way to another low pressure that will develop across Arkansas and quickly ride northeast toward northern Indiana by Sunday morning. This low will deepen rapidly as it makes the trip just to our west. In doing so… the dynamics ahead of this will come together to produce several rounds of strong and severe thunderstorms. These will roll from southwest to northeast today into tonight with an increased potential for widespread damaging winds and possible strong tornadoes.

The Storm Prediction Center has much of the state in a slight to moderate risk of severe weather today into this evening. They have also placed parts of the south in a rare High Risk. You can see these risk areas and where the current watches are with this map…

SPC Products Overview

Check out how high the percentage numbers of a tornado are from the SPC…

SPC Day 1 1200Z Tornado Prob Outlook

Now look at the chance for damaging winds…

SPC Day 1 1200Z Wind prob outlook

Both of the above numbers on the maps are VERY high around here and are exceptionally high for areas to our south. The best time for severe weather for our region will be this afternoon into this evening. Again… keep an eye on the southwestern sky as that is the direction the storms will be coming from.

Here are a few simulated radar images for today from the WRF model…

As you can see… NUMEROUS storms fire up and roll through here. Each complex will have the potential to cause some serious issues. We will also have to watch out for the flash flood potential since these storms can put down a whole lot of water in a short amount of time!

Here is your regional radar to track today’s action…

The blog will have plenty of updates throughout the day and we will take it live at some point if need be. Make sure you check back with us as your eyes and ears will be needed today so we can get a better handle on what is going on in different parts of the area.

Have a great Saturday and check back for updates… take care.