Good Wednesday everyone. Many of my fellow weather weenies have been rather bored with the pattern over the past few months and have been hoping for somethingĀ a little more active. It appears that hope is about to pay off as rounds of showers and thunderstorms will be with us for the weekend. The potential for some strong storms and heavy rainfall could be in the cards.

Let’s start with today as it is likely to be the prettiest day we see for a while. Highs will range from 65-70 under partly sunny skies with a nice little breeze blowing.

Thursday should feature similar temps… but I am leaning more and more toward talking up the chance for a scattered shower or thundershower. Keep that in mind.

The main action comes from Friday through Sunday as a big storm cranks up across the plains states. This is likely to bring some big time severe weather to much of the plains states toward the Ohio Valley. It all starts Friday as a warm front lifts northward across the region. Showers and thunderstorms will increase along this front with the individual storms rolling from nothwest to southeast along the boundary. This shows up nicely on the GFS…

Friday Evening

Warm, moist and unstable air will be suging in from the southwest. Rounds of showers and storms should really crank up on Saturday…

GFS Saturday Afternoon

Saturday Night

This type of a setup can bring repeat heavy rain producing thunderstorms to the region. These can work together to put down a whole lot of rainfall to some areas. Check out the axis of heavy rain showing up on the GFS from Friday through Sunday…

Could we go from getting almost no rain for a month to getting too much over the span of one weekend? It is certainly something for us to keep a close watch on. Something else that is grabbing my attention is the threat for strong or severe thunderstorms. The position of the low on the European Model certainly suggests this to be a possibility…

European Sunday Morning

Like I said… the weekend is looking more and more like it could be pretty active around here. This may take care of our weather “boredorm” if it all works out as we may have plenty to talk about and track. That is certainly what we will be doing here on the blog over the coming days.

Have a great Wednesday and take care.