Good Saturday everyone and welcome to your Easter Weekend. Our Good Friday turned out to be a scorcher for parts of the area as temps surged toward the 90 degree mark in the eastern part of the state. That is VERY impressive for so early in the season. The “heat” won’t be with us this weekend as a cold front swings in here today to knock the temps down some.

This front will have an impressive line of showers and thunderstorms early today across the west. This will rapidly weaken into a broken line of showers as it moves eastward this afternoon. You can see that here on the GFS…

Early Afternoon

This Evening

You can track this weakening line here…

Winds will be very gusty today and temps will run near 80 for highs ahead of the showers and only in the 70s where it has rained or where the clouds have been most of the day.

This will set us up for a very nice Easter Sunday. Temps will be in the low 50s to start and warm into the 70-75 degree range by the afternoon. Winds will still be a bit on the breezy side again.

Β Much warmer air will surge in here Monday as a warm front swings northward. We will have to keep an eye on this as it may have a cluster of showers and thunderstorms rolling eastward along it. Something to keep watch on.

Tuesday will be very warm and windy ahead of a strong cold front that moves in here later Wednesday or Thursday. This may have a decent line of boomers with it as temps take a brief tumble right behind it.

Have a great Saturday and take care.