Good Monday to one and all and thanks for dropping in to see what we have to say about Kentucky weather. What we are saying about today is a BIG change is being felt as old man winter takes a swipe at us. Temps are plunging from the mild readings of the past few days… winds are cranking and rains are trying to mix with or even change to snow in a few spots. Ahhhh… nothing like a little March Madness.

Low pressure is working northeast across the region today. Numerous gusty showers are accompanying this low on its journey toward the eastern Great Lakes. MUCH colder air is working in on the backside of this low as you can see here on the NAM for later today…

There is likely to be snow showers mixing in with the rain in a few areas today and you can track it all here…

It will have to snow awfully hard to get any accumulation and even then it would be on elevated surfaces.

Here are a couple of maps to track today’s chill as it moves in from the southwest…



How does the rest of the week look…

– Tuesday will start out with clouds for most of the area.. a few leftover rain and snow showers may linger in the east early in the day. There should also be a big temp spread with the west well into the 50s to near 60 and the east struggling to get out of the 40s.

– Wednesday looks good right now as the sun returns and temps surge back into the 60s.

– The next area of low pressure will move our way by later Thursday. Highs will likely warm into the 60s again before clouds and showers move in from west to east during the afternoon. Those same showers should stick around into Friday as temps cool off some.

– I have been yapping about the build up of cold air in Canada for a while now and the fact that we need to get a few cold shots into the states to get rid of that reservoir before April starts. This weekend brought a shot of cold into the plains and we are getting the leftover cold today. A shot will move into the lakes later this week and the final shot may be the bigger of the bunch early next week…

GFS Tuesday March 30th

Here is hoping we get the cold out of Canada because I am thinking more and more that April is going to be pretty darn mild right now!

Now… tell us what kind of weather you are seeing where you live. Have a great Monday and take care.