Good Sunday everyone. The weather for the past several days has featured some of the best stuff that the month of March can offer.
March can also be a very fickle month that can be highlighted by some very abrupt weather changes. That is looking more and more likely to occur around here over the next 24 hours as we go from spring to winter.

The big storm that is producing some big time snows for the plains states will be rolling our way today into Monday. This means today will be another very warm day as readings warm toward 70 once again for much of the region. Showers and some possible thunder will be working from west to east today and you can track the rains here…

Some of the rains could become locally heavy at times tonight into early Monday as shown here on the NAM…


Check out that cold pool of air sitting just to our south. That will likely produce snow all the way into parts of Louisiana later today and tonight!!  This cold air will be working in here from southwest to northeast late tonight into Monday. Readings will be in the 50s and drop quickly into the 30s as this air moves in early Monday. Will this air be cold enough to produce snow underneath the core of the coldest air? I am starting to think more and more this may happen. Here is the NAM for midday Monday…

This is a very complicated setup and one we will have to watch to see how it evolves because there is such a fine line between snow and no. Even if it were to snow in some areas… the chances for accumulations are LOW unless it can snow so hard that it doesn’t have time to melt. The NAM snowfall forecast suggests that to be possible for some…

Regardless of the snow possibilities for Monday. The temp drop from this afternoon to Monday afternoon is going to be on the order of 30 degrees or more! That is impressive enough right there.

I will have another update on all this at some point later today or this evening so make sure to check back. Have a great Sunday and take care.