Good Friday everyone and thanks a bunch for hitting up the blog for your weather needs. I honestly can’t think of any other things you might be in need of from mother nature right now as what we have out there is nothing short of awesome! Almost full sun and temps around 70 is about as good as it can get in my book.

Everyone wants to know if this is going to continue into the weekend… and it will… for the most part. The storm rolling our way for Sunday and Monday will be taking the slow ride through here meaning we keep the mild temps through Sunday! The bad news is that showers and some thunderstorms will roll in here Sunday and that will be followed by MUCH colder air for Monday that can lead to some snow or rain and snow mixed.

The models are now all going toward more of a closed low in the upper levels allowing for a slowing moving surface low that also starts out farther west.. leading to the mild Sunday. What this “closing off” also does is will basically shut down the cold air train from Canada that is funneling into this storm. That means if you want snow on Monday… you are mainly going to have to rely on some leftover, “used” cold air or anything dynamic that the storm can produce. That combo late in March is usually not a very good one for producing a snowfall.

Take a look at the European Model and you can see what I am talking about with the shutting off of the cold coming into the storm…

Here is how your forecast looks…

– Today will see temps around 70 with mostly sunny skies!

– Saturday may be even warmer with temps heading into the low and maybe mid 70s with more in the way of sunshine.

– Sunday will start dry and mild. With the slower moving low.. temps will soar back into the 60s with a shot at a 70 in areas that get sun a little longer. Showers and thunderstorms will increase west to east during the day. Winds will be a bit gusty too.

– Colder air will dumbbell in behind the low. The cold air will actually move in from southwest to northeast. Temps will be hard to pinpoint for highs as it will be all about timing. As mentioned earlier… the chance for some snow or a mix is more than possible!!

– It will be a quick shot of cold as temps already begin to rebound toward the 50s again on Tuesday with sunshine returning.

– The middle of next week will see a few mild days before another storm rolls in for the end of the week into next weekend. This one may have more cold air to work with.

– We have got to get a good cold shot across the eastern half of the country over the next few weeks to drain some of this amazing cold that is building up in Canada. If we don’t… April will feature a lot of back and forth that I am NOT  a fan of.

Have a great Friday and take care.