Good Sunday, everyone. Temps are tumbling across the bluegrass state as we get a little preview of what’s to come this week. Bitterly cold air is on the way to the bluegrass state and this will get close to rivaling some of the brutal stuff we had last winter.

Thermometers start today on the mild side with colder air working in quickly from west to east. Readings will drop into the 30s this afternoon and early evening with 20s by late evening. Snow showers and flurries will kick in during this same time… especially in the central and east.

Highs on Monday will be in the 20s as we await the arrival of a clipper on Tuesday. The best chance for light snow from this will be across the northern part of the state. The true arctic front arrives early Wednesday morning and could produce a band of snow showers and squalls. The Canadian Model continues to be the most optimistic on that…


Temps Wednesday drop into the single digits later in the day and thermometers by Thursday morning may drop close to zero or below…

Canadian 2

Gusty winds will make it feel MUCH colder than that with wind chills from -10 to -20 possible.

The models are split on how cold the next arctic front is around here. That arrives later Friday with the Canadian continuing to go super cold by Saturday morning…

Canadian 3

Other models are not that cold and would give us the possibility of a snow system sneaking in from the southwest.

I’m not sure if I will do any updates today or not. Make it a great day and take care.