Good Saturday, everyone. We continue with more in the way of nice weather, but another case of the ugly stuff isn’t too far away from us. In the longer run, it continues to look like Old Man Winter tries to wake up as we head into the middle and end of the month. You hear that, Christmas lovers? ๐Ÿ™‚

We have a series of upper level systems rolling our way in the days ahead. One system moves in late Sunday into Monday with an increase in clouds and chilly showers…


Two more systems follow that up with more clouds and chilly showers. Highs for much of next week are stuck in the 40s. As I said… there’s some ugly in that.

A bigger system tries to develop next weekend as our pattern starts to change. It’s a change that should take us into much more of a winter looking setup. Here’sย the initial storm that tries to change things up…


The GFS has another system following that up a few days later…


And a few days after that…


Moral of the GFS weather story… It has no shortage of winter weather threats after next week. Is it right in showing the potential for such events? Time will tell, but the story it’s telling matches up nicely with what the Ensembles have been showing for the past several days.

I will try to update later today, but may not be able to until late tonight. Regardless… make it a great Saturday and take care.