Good Wednesday, everyone. Our third winter storm in the past week is set to impact the region starting later today and will take us through Thursday and early Friday. This looks more like a snow maker than anything else as the ice chance with this remains fairly low overall. Still, we are at a point where it won’t take much snow or ice to cause more power issues.

Here are some thoughts on how this plays out:

  • This storm continues to feature more in the way of snow and less freezing rain, but there’s a little rain that may creep into the far southeast.
  • Sleet isn’t an issue this time.
  • The Thursday snows will be fairly wet and this is going to add to the weight of the ice already on trees. Additional trees may come down and we are likely to see more power outages.
  • One wave of light snow works in from the southwest today and brings some light accumulations with it.
  • The next wave of moisture moves in this evening into early Thursday and brings more widespread accumulations. Some of this may be in mix form across the southeast.
  • After a weak lull around midday Thursday, the next wave of snow develops across the region and takes us into Thursday night.
  • Snow showers and flurries will show up into Friday with additional light accumulations.
  • Frigid temps will come in behind this as temps could make another run at 0 by Saturday morning.

Here’s my New Call For Ice and Snowfall…

That map continues to be a work in progress today and the numbers and lines are likely to be adjusted as I see the early trends setting up.

A quick check of the models still gives us some notable differences in totals and placement.






The new version of the GFS SNOWFALL…


The EURO continues to come in on the light side…


So, you can see how we still have enough of a spread amongst the models to keep things a little edgy today.

Oh and let me say just how tired I am of posting model snow maps. This has been a long winter and I really haven’t slept for the past few weeks. As I always say, sleep is for the weather weak. 😫💪

I will have updates later today and should have a new call out around noon. I leave you with your radars to follow the storm in from the southwest…

Make it a great day and take care.