Good Tuesday to one and all. Milder winds are blowing over the next few days, but the overall pattern continues to skew colder than normal for November. As a matter of fact, the setup for Thanksgiving week is looking very cold and may feature some winter weather.

Speaking of winter weather. Here ya go…

No I don’t make those or even have a say in the production of it, but it’s surely to smoke the typical trolls out of their holes. Rent. Free. 😎

Temps out there today are MUCH milder with upper 50s north to middle 60s in the west and south. A strong southwest wind will then kick in tonight into Wednesday as highs make a run at 70 degrees. Those winds are ahead of a strong cold front working in here early Thursday and may reach 40mph at times. This front brings a solid wall of gusty showers through here…

Take a look at some of the wind gust forecasts with this…

Temps crash behind this on Thursday, setting the stage for another colder than normal day into Friday.

Those numbers rebound a bit into the weekend, but things look to change in a hurry later Sunday and Monday as we go into a VERY cold setup for Thanksgiving week. The models are still trying to figure out how to play an impressive system dropping into the eastern half of the country to start the week. This is one heck of a look from the EURO…

The model is wrapping up one deep low pressure to our east. The GFS isn’t too far behind with the overall setup, but has the more progressive look…

Slow that down and back everything west and you get something similar to the EURO.

Both models are bringing some super cold air in here during this time…



That setup is impressive and one we need to keep a close eye on.

The EURO Ensembles continue to have a super cold setup and they are not wavering. Watch how this trough digs in and sets in through the final day of November…

And those cold shots are something…

The Control Run of the EURO Ensembles says hold my beer…

That’s some cold stuff for this early in the season.

Updates coming later today, so check back. Make it a great day and take care.