Good afternoon, folks. We are heading into the super active pattern we’ve been talking about for a while. It’s one that has me concerned with way too much rain before Old Man Winter flexes some muscle finally as we begin the brand new year.

We have a front that hangs around the region for the week ahead and this allows for waves of low pressure to develop and roll across the region. Each of these will bring rounds of showers and thunderstorms our way…

Some areas may pick up 1″-3″ of rain through Thursday. Local high water issues can’t be ruled out to go along with very gusty winds.

This sets the stage for a major storm system to develop and roll across the region New Year’s Weekend. This system will be feeding upon a mega temp gradient as frigid air will be crashing in behind it and that may actually fuel a second system with winter weather.

The concern is for very heavy rains/flooding and the potential for some snow to follow.

Here’s the current GFS…

The EURO has much more of a snow system to follow the big rains…

So does the Canadian…

That’s some brutal air showing up on the Canadian. Check out these temp departures from normal…

The heavy rain potential is worrisome, and I am concerned about the flooding threat. Here are the numbers from the 7 day rain numbers from the GFS…

The EURO during the same time…

The Canadian…




I leave you with your radars to track any shower action that goes up…

Make it a great rest of your evening and take care.