Stuck In Colder Weather

Good Saturday to one and all. Super Bowl Weekend is here and we are stuck in colder weather once again and some of us will even see a few snowflakes. Lucky for #TeamSpring, this pattern won’t last very long as a March looking storm takes shape for the middle and end of next week. That could bring a severe storms threat in here.

Let’s kick this party off with what’s happening out there today. Winds are cranking from the northwest as temps hang in the 30-35 degree range for much of the area. Gusty winds will make it feel colder than that.

A few flurries and snow showers will be possible across the central and east. A separate area of light snow may fire up late today across the southeast and that may put down some light accumulations.

As always, I have your radars ready to roll…

Cold temps carry us into Super Bowl SunDey with highs back into the low 30s for many. A weak system drops in during the evening and brings a period of light snow and flurries to parts of the area. This isn’t a big deal, but it can drop some very light accumulations. Here’s a look at the area most at risk…


Again, minor is the key word here, folks. It might be just enough for a cancellation or delay Monday morning, but don’t bet the farm on that. 😜

Temps stay cold for Monday then really crank with 60s on the way for the middle of next week as a strong southwest wind cranks up. This is ahead of a strong storm system developing in the plains and crossing the Mississippi Valley en route to the Great Lakes by late Thursday. This setup usually puts our region in a risk for severe thunderstorms. Here’s a look at the risk zone I’m seeing as of now…


With or without severe storms, winds are likely to be a big player with gusts of 40-50mph possible. Heavy rain may also cause some issues.

I will have updates later today. Until then, we are stuck in colder weather…

Enjoy the Dey and take care.


  1. JoeDfromBG

    That Thursday storm system is looking ominous, not only from the strong surface low and voluminous moisture support from the Gulf, but because the current Jet Stream forecast for Thursday afternoon/evening has a 120 knot flow parked over Western Kentucky. Because this is similar to the setup we had in December/January, it will bear close watching. I’ve included a link to the jet stream forecast; move the slider to the right to display the Thursday time frame:

  2. Schroeder

    Thanks Joe for Sharing. I always visit The Weather Street Site each and everyday.

    It is concerning for the possibility of Severe Weather for Thursday Afternoon as it looks familiar to what we experience on the eleventh of December, 2021.

    I wish we could get back to the Clipper System Pattern. At least you are safe Weather wise.

    • Schroeder

      Thanks Chris, Glad we are going to have the Colder nights through Tuesday of next Week. I just wish we would of had more Snow Events this Winter. Oh well, one can’t expect too Much in the Way of Snow if we are Stuck in this La Nina Pattern in the Ohio Valley.

      Yesterday, the High Temperature reached 65 degrees with Wind Gust over 45 MPH. Showers that were forecast for my area did not materialize. Hope we are not going into that Hit and Miss situation for the coming Spring Season ?

      Thursday’s Weather Event is definitely One to Watch. Hopefully, it will Blow through here without much Fanfare ?? Colder, Calmer Weather will return next Weekend according to the NWS Forecast.

      GO BENGALS !!!

      • Schroeder

        Chris, Two more Thing I’ve failed to mention, that area Circled for Severe Weather according to Some Climatologist is the ” New Tornado Alley. ” HOPE NOT !!!

        Also, the Outlook according to NOAA is for La Nina to continue into the Spring Months and is Forecast to phase to Neutral through the Summer Months. On the extended Outlooks, September, October and November there is a Weak Signal that El Nino may Make a long Awaited return ?

        A third Year La Nina Winter I believe is Unheard of ?

        GO BENGALS !!! Can’t Say that Too Much. Right !!!

  3. Which Way Is the Wind Blowing

    I would like to see the sun make a return.

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