Good afternoon, everyone. Light snow and flurries are winding down across the region as we turn our attention toward a harsh winter pattern taking shape late next week into Christmas weekend. This is a pattern likely to throw snow at us before bitterly cold air crashes in.

Let’s start with today’s festive flakes. The HRRR and Canadian Models did outstanding work in being the only models to capture the weekend flakes. Here’s a sampling my from Twitter feed:

Here’s your regional radar to follow the last of the flakes out of eastern Kentucky…

Let’s look ahead to the week ahead:

  • A massive storm system will impact areas from the Mississippi Valley to the east coast from late Wednesday through Friday.
  • The exact impact of this storm on Kentucky is still a day or two from being known.
  • Like with any storm, it’s all about the track of the low. In this case, it’s both the upper low and the surface low.
  • This low develops along a monster arctic front on Thursday. If you’re snow lover, you want that low to develop farther south and east. If you hate snow, you want that low to develop as far west as you can get it.
  • Models will continue to adjust over the next few days and I still expect some wild swings.
  • It will be very difficult to not get at least some snow from this! The floor is probably an inch or two, with the ceiling being 5 times that. I’m nowhere close to being able to tell you how much snow you can get from this.
  • I will say areas of northern, central and western Kentucky have a better chance of going toward the higher range than the east does right now.
  • With this strengthening low pressure, you will hear the word blizzard being thrown around for parts of the Ohio Valley and Great Lakes. No I’m not saying you’re getting a blizzard but the chance isn’t zero. 😜
  • Winds with this setup can easily gust to 40mph or greater for much of Kentucky and surrounding states.
  • Bitterly cold air crashes in with this storm and will send our Christmas weekend temps into the deep freeze.
  • Lows can drop below zero with wind chills around -20 possible at times. That’s life-threatening, folks. Please prepare now for the bitter cold that’s coming.

Even our NWS friends are sounding the horn early on this setup…

On to the models!

The GFS made a bit of a jump this morning as the latest run takes the upper level low just a bit north and west of prior runs…

The Canadian Model is weaker with the energy, but has a similar look…

The GFS REALLY cranks this storm up now. Watch how the rain to wind driven snow scenario plays out…

The Candian is weaker with the low, but has a similar end result…

Winds are a big player. Look at the gusts across the Ohio Valey…


The cold crashing in behind this can take our lows below zero for Christmas weekend…

The deeper the snowpack, the colder those numbers can get.

Life-threatening wind chills are likely…



That’s all you crazy kids get for now… And that’s a lot.

I’ll be back with updates later today. Have a great Sunday and take care.