Good Wednesday, everyone. It’s a very busy start to the month of March with severe weather threats and high winds. The first threat arrives this evening, with the potential bigger show for Friday. That’s when another major low pressure rolls through the area.

Temps out there today will be in the 75-80 degree range for many and we could see record highs falling once again.

Instability increases ahead of a cold front set to arrive later tonight. This front will touch off a line of thunderstorms that may be strong or even severe. Damaging wind would be the main threat with this line as it goes up during the evening hours.

The Storm Prediction Center has not had this area in any kind of Severe Weather Outlook for today, but that’s changing…

This front brings in more stable air for Thursday as it stalls just to our south into Tennessee. That starts to move back to the north as a warm front this evening into tonight.  Showers and thunderstorms will accompany this front as it lifts through and there’s the chance for a few strong or severe storms in the west before the evening is over. Here’s the Thursday Severe Weather Outlook from the Storm Prediction Center…

Friday is the day I’m most concerned about. A major low pressure wraps up in Missouri and then rolls to the northeast, just north of the Ohio River. That puts our region in the threat for strong to severe storms racing from west to east across the state.

Damaging winds and a few tornadoes will be possible with this setup. Here’s the Friday Severe Weather Outlook from the Storm Prediction Center…

Winds will be a major player with or without thunderstorms. Check out this wind gust forecast…

As you are well aware, this has been an incredibly early start to the spring season for our plants and vegetation. This map shows how most of the area is more than 20 days ahead of normal…

With the season this far along so early, plants and vegetation could be in a world of hurt with even normal March cold shots. The EURO Ensembles continues to show some significant cold in the second week of the month…

The Control Run of the Euro is even colder…

Nothing good can come from that.

I will have updates as needed and I’ll be on WKYT-TV with all your severe weather needs. Until then, here are your tracking tools for the day…

Current watches
Current Watches

Possible Watch Areas

Current MDs

Have a great Wednesday and take care.