Local Flash Flood Threat Starts The Week

Good Monday to one and all. A very slow-moving low pressure is working across the state over the next few days and it’s bringing rounds of showers and storms with it. These storms can dump a lot of rain, leading to a flash flood threat.

Here’s a breakdown of what to expect:

  • Low pressure is rolling across the state today and will hang around through Wednesday. This slow-moving spin isn’t really something we see in the summer months, but there’s no such thing as “normal” when it comes to weather anymore. Extreme is the new normal.
  • Showers and storms will spinning counterclockwise around the low and repeat showers and storms moving over some of the same areas is the concern.
  • Rain amounts should average 1″-3″ through Wednesday, but bands of 3″+ may show up.
  • Those getting under the bands of torrential rain may see local flash flooding developing. I am not anticipating widespread flooding issues as of now.
  • Our storms will reach their heavy rain producing peak during the afternoon and early evening hours.

Here’s a look at the greatest risk area…

Additional showers and storms will be around for the end of the week into the start of the upcoming weekend.

Temps will be held well below normal this week, especially for highs.

True summer weather continues to be AWOL and that doesn’t look to be changing anytime soon. The models are already going toward another deepening trough into our part of the world next week. The Canadian is back to another closed low scenario…

The EURO isn’t to that extreme, but it is likes the trough in the east idea…

Surely this changes into early July… Right? The GFS Ensembles go through the 4th of July and this is the current forecast for the 4th…

Another trough in the east? Shocking, I say. 😜

I’ll have the latest on WKYT-TV and will drop by for another KWC update if needed. Until then, here are your heavy rain tracking radars to keep you company..

Make it a magnificent Monday and take care.


  1. Jeff Hamlin

    Once again I’ll believe it when I see it.

    • Winterlover

      Jeff just looked at the rader it’s happening.

    • Which Way Is the Wind Blowing

      I get your skepticism about long distance models.
      But they do a decent job prognosticating temperatures.
      Not so good with rainfall totals & winter storms.

  2. JoeDfromBG

    The first bands of rain have moved through the Bowling Green area, and as expected have left a measly 0.05″ of rain. Groundwater and soil moisture levels in central Warren County are reaching critical values, a situation which only a good soaking rain can fix.

  3. Schroeder

    We had a few waves of showers that really didn’t amount to much. Over an inch fell just south and east of Maple. We will have to take what we get, no choice when it comes to Nature.

  4. Winterlover

    Not much here either in far western ky. I think the models are hogwash. Lol

  5. MarkLex

    for my backyard… to look at the radar, it doesn’t look horribly impressive… But it as absolutely POURED several times today…and in between it’s been light/moderate rain. I venture to say it’s rained about an inch here at my house today so far and still raining. There was loud thunder too for a bit. First time I’ve heard thunder in F O R E VEEEEE RRR!

  6. Which Way Is the Wind Blowing

    The low pressure is operating similarly to a tropical low system.
    A lot of training. If you’re on the rail track you’re going to get rain over. If you’re not on the track during its duration you’re going to be disappointed.

  7. Which Way Is the Wind Blowing

    Looking at the radar there is no doubt where the low is.
    A definite eye.

  8. Winterlover

    Finally got some much needed downpour for bout 30 minutes here in far western ky

    • Stormtracker_WV

      I feel like this winter was the “Winter that wasn’t” (no snow, not even cold)…and now this is turning into the “Summer that wasn’t” (there’s been some beautiful sunny days, but lots of overcast/hazy o es too, and not very warm). So blah. Just like everythi g else going on in the world today 🙁

  9. Jeff Hamlin

    This pattern is disgusting. Already done with the rain.

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