Smoke Returns Before Week Ahead Changes

Good Sunday to one and all. An all too familiar sight is back in the bluegrass state as Canadian wildfire smoke is back in the bluegrass state for the next few days. This leads us into another busy week with more storms and big temp changes.

Let’s start with the smoke. This shouldn’t be as thick as what we had a few weeks ago, but it may not be too far behind today and Monday. You can see this on the smoke forecast into early Monday…

Besides the smoke, we have a mix of sun and clouds and the chance for a shower or storm going up. This looks pretty scattered with whatever is out there showing up on your friendly radars…

Temps today are generally from the middle 80s to low 90s.

A few clusters of showers and storms will be with us Monday and Tuesday. These storms won’t hit everyone but can put down some hefty totals in a few spots.

That takes us into a pattern featuring clusters of storms diving in from the northwest from Tuesday night through Thursday night or early Friday. The models are in remarkably good agreement on the overall pattern with small deviations with the paths of the storm clusters…




That’s being pushed by another huge trough digging into the eastern half of the country next weekend and early the following week. Once again, we find the forecast models all getting along and showing the same thing…


Lows in the 50s fore a couple of mornings are a good bet with that setup!

Much of the rest of the country and world is experiencing severe heat, but that’s avoiding our region this summer. No complaints here!!

Have a great Sunday and take care.


  1. Jeff Hamlin

    A few complaints here. Summer is supposed to be stupid hot.

    • Schroeder

      I agree Hazy, Hot and Humid. And now we must add Smoke to the usual three components of our Summers. I notice on the weather models that everytime we have waves of atmospheric energy from the Northwest, it dissipates as it moves towards the Southeast. Yesterday’s weather was an excellent example of that.

      Lots of troughs on the future model’s forecasts. Looks like Fall may be early. I hope this pans out, as we enter the Autumn season with troughs moving farther South, but that all depends what happens in the Tropical Pacific and the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico.

    • Winterlover

      We’ve had some hot days just not prolongs ones. Like Texas is experiencing

      • Schroeder

        The Southwestern part of the country is mostly affected. It normally gets Hot and Arid in these areas most Summers. It’s a natural Cycle and not what the left saids it is.

  2. Which Way Is the Wind Blowing

    I love the forecast except for the smoke.
    We might escape the long spells of brutal humidity for the entire summer.
    I love what you’re doing Mother Nature. A big High Five.

    • Schroeder

      The Smoke still remains a mystery. The news media acts like it’s not worthy of mentioning. How about those who suffer from breathing difficulties ? It’s not forecast to be as thick as earlier, but it’s still present in our atmosphere.

  3. Catfishjohn73

    The smoke doesn’t smell very good here in Greenup Co. Really strong and messing with my allergies. Good thing our house is nice and sealed top to bottom and purifiers also help.
    I agree It’s cycles we go through but the proof is in the weather. It’s definitely changing globally as all models show It. Both sides know this but only one side wants to try and help it.
    Hopefully, all is well with you all!
    We just hit 20″‘s of rain for the year yesterday. 20.08 on my Wx station.

  4. Schroeder

    The Climate of the Earth in general goes through 100 year weather cycles since the Ice Age. With changes in the short term.

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