A Few Showers and Storms Roll Through The Region

Good Sunday, everyone. We have low pressure rolling through the region today, bringing more in the way of scattered showers and storms to wrap up the weekend. The pattern for the week ahead looks rather calm and pleasant.

As expected, a band of 1″+ rains impacted parts of southeastern Kentucky on Saturday. Other parts of the state weren’t as lucky with just a scattered shower around.

Scattered showers and a rumble of thunder will cross the region today with this action wrapping in from the northwest. This is likely to continue into tonight across the eastern half of the state.

Your friendly radars are here to track the wraparound stuff…

Highs today range from the upper 60s to middle 70s across the Commonwealth.

Clouds will be slow to clear Monday as our awesome temperature pattern rolls on. Highs are generally back into the 70-75 degree range…

Much of the week ahead continues to look pretty calm but the pattern does look to ramp up by next weekend into the following week. A blocky look continues to show up and this means some wild model swings in how they handle some hefty cutoff lows. One such low spins off the southeastern seaboard this weekend before another drops into our region…

This is likely to crank out a major east coast storm that has a chance to bring some rain in here from the east. Then, we see if another system can spin in a few days later…

Have a great Sunday and take care.


  1. Schroeder

    Thanks Chris. Zero rains in my area with this latest event. Another week of pleasant, mostly Sunny days to enjoy. Can’t wait until we get our first frost / freeze. NOAA’s extended predicts a trend to warmer and drier for the remainder of the month.
    I’ll be glad when the Tropical Atlantic doesn’t render anymore storms, and we see activity in the Southern Plains in the way of a ” Colorado Low ” to bring more widespread Fall rains into Kentucky and the Ohio Valley.

    • DottieW-LexKY

      We didn’t see a drop of rain here either. We’ve started running a soaker hose around the foundation of our house since it’s been so dry.

      • MarkLex

        can you explain to me what this means?

  2. Schroeder

    Good idea Dottie. Must irrigate to keep your foundation plantings from being damage from this most recent bout of moderate drought. May be an end insight this weekend ?

  3. JoeDfromBG

    We picked up a measly 0.08″ of rain mid afternoon. I would take that NOAA extended outlook with a grain os salt, Schroeder, since it uses the GFS for its source data. In fact, I’ve never put much faith in the CPC long range forecasts.

    • Schroeder

      I really make my own long range forecast. I use their forecast as a guild or a hint. Same with NOAA. The last time I was correct was in February 2015 when I got the forecast for a major Snowstorm right on. Most of the time I’m completely wrong. LOL….

  4. DottieW-LexKY

    Mark, we have some foundation damage from a drought years ago and since then we always water around the house if it gets really dry.

  5. JoeDfromBG

    Dottie, that’s something that my son who lives near San Antonio, Texas, has faced for years. They set a record this year when there were 60 days where the temperature exceeded 100°F. They need to water nearly every day so they’ve had to set up soaker hoses all around their foundation. Parts of Texas are approaching nearly unliveable status!

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