Good evening and Happy Halloween. The first flakes of the season have already been reported in northern Kentucky and those will continue to impact areas of central and eastern Kentucky tonight as colder air surges in.

Take a look at the flakes flying in northern Kentucky…

Temps are crashing as near 30mph winds zip through the area. Overnight lows reach 20-25 degrees with the potential for a few upper teens to show up for areas with a clear sky. Wind chills will dip into the teens at times.

The much colder than normal air continues through the end of the week before we turn it milder with 60s this weekend. That’s ahead of another system working in here early next week and it has the chance to give us thunder and some flakes.

The Canadian is the most wrapped up with this system…

The EURO is a little weaker with this system as it brings another storm system quickly in behind it…

Look at those troughs on the EURO…

Enjoy the evening and take care.