Some Winter Starts To Show Up

Good Monday, everybody. Colder air is pressing into the region today as a weak system works through. It has a clipper coming in behind it, bringing showers and the chance for a few flakes into the middle of the week. Beyond that, we focus on a much bigger system this weekend. That one may bring a much greater winter weather potential.

Let’s start with today and roll forward. The system moving east has a spiraling band of showers with it. There’s the outside chance for a flake or two to mix in where the heaviest precipitation band is, but the odds are pretty low.

Here are your regional radars to follow along…

The clipper works in here Tuesday and Tuesday night with showers and 40s ahead of it and some flakes behind it. Seasonably cold is with us Tuesday night and Wednesday as a stout northwest flow kicks in. This brings a few snow showers and flurries to the eastern half of the state. This shows up well on the future radar from the Hi Res NAM…

Wednesday is a blustery and cold day before temps recover for Thursday and Friday.

This is ahead of what looks like a major storm system set to impact our region this weekend. A big dip in the jet stream will likely spawn a deepening low that swings from the lower Mississippi Valley into the Ohio Valley and then into the Great Lakes or the northeast.

Rain, wind, crashing temps and wraparound snows are showing up on the various forecast models. Given the fact this is still 5 days away, model deviations are likely before they settle in on a solution. Still, the signal is pretty strong. Here’s the GFS…

The Canadian is the weakest of the bunch…

The Euro has been consistently showing the most potent storm system…

Again, this is our first true storm system that’s piqued my interest in a while. Let’s see if it continues to do so in the days ahead.

Updates come your way later today. Make it a good one and take care.


  1. Schroeder

    Thanks Chris. No complaints as far as Temperatures go, and I’m liking that more chances of Rain / showers are in the forecast. Alberta Clippers have a very limited impact in my area of South Central Kentucky, more of a Central Indiana, Northeastern Kentucky impact. Hoping a building Southeast Ridge later this week won’t decrease our chances of the heavy Rains that are in the long range. I wish the Storm would be a phased Storm and the track would be through the Tennessee valley rather than the Ohio Valley. That track would give our area more drought relief Rains with the warm front staying to our south.

  2. Schroeder

    Where’s the AI GraphCast model on the Storm later this week ?

    • Which Way Is the Wind Blowing

      Did Santa bring us a new toy?
      All weather enthusiasts wants an AGC under the tree.

  3. Which Way Is the Wind Blowing

    Maybe we will have a chance to see some festive wet snow flakes falling from the sky this weekend.

  4. Schroeder

    I don’t know, but a little while ago we had a decent Rain / Shower.

    • Which Way Is the Wind Blowing

      Btw, I been trying to find the Google AGC forecast map on the web.
      I cannot find it. Have you had any luck?
      It’s my understanding that Google has already incorporated it into their 10 day forecast.
      Which is find but I cannot see any graphics showing any future predictive weather patterns.

  5. Schroeder

    I couldn’t find an up to date forecast either Wind. This model AI will change how weather will be predicted in the near future. Much much more accurate and by the second. WOW !!! Reminds me of that old cartoon ” The Jetsons ” back in the 60’s.

    • Which Way Is the Wind Blowing

      Actually I read that the euro model is already starting to absorb it into the model.
      I know the GFS could use a little help from AGC.

      • Schroeder

        The GFS sadly, needs a lot of help. This morning it was forecasting Snow on the 11th of December and late this afternoon there’s nothing but mild temperatures through mid month and very little Rain.

      • Schroeder

        The GFS sadly, needs a lot of help. This morning it was forecasting Snow on the 11th of December and late this afternoon there’s nothing but mild temperatures through mid month and very little Rain.

  6. Schroeder

    Sorry again for the duplicate Chris. This computer is highly sensitive to the touch.

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