Good Wednesday to one and all. We are rolling toward the first weekend of the year and we have a winter storm system set to impact the region. The extent of that impact is still a work in progress and will likely be for a few days.

Before we get to that system, we have a weak cold front dropping in tonight. This may bring a light rain or snow shower along and ahead of it with a few flakes hitting the east and southeast early Thursday. Otherwise, this is pretty much a nothing front.

The overall picture for the weekend is slowly coming into focus, but it’s still a long way from being set in stone. Here are a few quick headlines…


One weak low is likely to track into the southern Appalachian Mountains with the main low riding northward through the Carolinas and into the Mid Atlantic States. While things will come into better focus over the next few days, I’m opening up overall coverage of potential winter weather. This is only showing the precipitation types from Friday night into Saturday and is a work in progress…

There is a scenario where southeastern Kentucky winds up in the Best Snow Chance category. Do I think this is a lot of snow or a snowstorm? No, I do not. Can some areas pick up slushy accumulations? Absolutely.

In terms of the models, we find the Canadian being closest to what I believe to be the reality…

The GFS looks too weak and too progressive (stop me if you’ve heard that one before)…

The EURO is a little stronger version of the GFS…

The trend on the next storm system continues to slowly come farther east and I suspect we see more of this in the coming days. This is likely to be a powerful storm as it cuts through the Ohio Valley and Great Lakes, but it has the chance to pop another powerhouse of a low near the east coast.

The Canadian is starting this out as some winter weather Monday night and early Tuesday before wind and rain take over, then we go over to snow and wind by Tuesday night and Wednesday…

The GFS is getting closer to showing that same scenario…

Winds with this system can REALLY crank and the models are seeing this potential…

Whoa, Nelly!

This system is on the front of a major buckling of the jet stream that’s locking in for the middle of January as significant blocking goes up from Greenland, through the Nort Pole and into Alaska…

Updates coming your way late today. Make it a good one and take care.