Good Saturday, everyone. It’s full steam ahead toward another big surge of springtime temps, but an active pattern tries to wipe that out by the middle and end of the week ahead. That same pattern has the chance to produce a little winter weather before all is said and done.

Let us begin with our Saturday before hitting the fast-forward button. Temps out there today should hit the 50s but it might be a struggle for some areas as clouds are going to be awfully stubborn. Those clouds may continue to spit out a few showers or some drizzle early today, especially in the east.

Here are your Saturday radars to follow along…

Sunday is a much better day with partly sunny skies teaming up with a strong southwest flow to spike temps deep into the 60s. The EURO is throwing a 70 into parts of the state…

The 70s then surge in here on Monday…

A cold front moves into the region on Tuesday and this looks to slow down, allowing for low pressure to develop along it, moving across our region on Wednesday. This means rounds of showers and thunderstorms become common during this time. This will be followed up by another storm system arriving later into the week and weekend. This brings more rain and storms ahead of it, and the potential for some winter trying to dive in behind it.

Here’s the GFS through this time period…

And the Canadian…

The various ensembles are also showing the overall pattern evolution looking more like one they suggested we would get back in February. Watch how the EURO Ensembles send troughs across the country with them deepening along the way…

I am not a fan of the pattern evolution.

Another update comes your way later today, so check back. Make it a sensational Saturday and take care.