Good Saturday to one and all. We have another weak system dropping in today as we get set for a REALLY nice Mother’s Day on Sunday. Beyond that, let’s storm it up once again for our little part of the world.

Temps today range from the upper 60s to low 70s with a mix of sun and clouds. Winds are gusty as a weak system moves in from the north, bringing the threat for a few showers and storms into town. Few being the key word here as this stuff doesn’t impact many people.

Here are your radars to find whatever shows up out there…

Showers and storms get set to kick it up a notch or two late Monday and this will take us through Tuesday and early Wednesday…

More showers and storms will then arrive for the end of the week into next weekend…

All of this is part of a very wet pattern we have been dealing with across our region and it looks to continue. The control run of the EURO weeklies shows much above normal rains rolling tall the way through much of June…

The latest CFS says that kicks off what’s likely to be a wetter than normal summer around here and for much of the country…

Typically, areas seeing much above normal summer rainfall tend to have below normal summer temps. The CFS sees this as well…

Have a great Saturday and take care.