Good Friday, folks. It’s the final day of May and we are sending the month out on an absolutely gorgeous weather note. This nice weather won’t carry us into the weekend when some showers and storms get back into the mix to start June.

Temps this morning are into the 40s for much of central and eastern Kentucky with low 50s elsewhere. By the afternoon, temps reach the 70s again with a few clouds filtering in from the west.

Low pressure slowly works into the region over the weekend, bringing a few showers and storms with it. This looks to continue into Monday, but no one day is a washout…

Another, more powerful, storm system will move our way by the middle and end of next week. This will keep more in the way of showers and storms going during this time with the chance for some stronger storms by Wednesday and Thursday as a cold front sweeps through. Behind that front will be a powerful upper level system with a few showers along for the ride…

Much cooler air comes in under that system and may very well stick around into the middle of the month. The EURO Ensembles have a good signal through June 14th…

The Control Run of the EURO Ensembles is even more emphatic with the below normal temps…

Have a fantastic Friday and take care.