Good Saturday and welcome to June! Meteorological summer is off and running with rounds of showers and storms rumbling through Kentucky. This isn’t all day stuff by any means but it’s kicking off another pattern set to turn a little stormy… Again.

Showers and storms today are more common across the western half of Kentucky with central Kentucky getting in on some action through the day. This is NOT all day stuff, folks. Farther east, skies may stay dry until evening.

Today’s storms across the far west have the chance to be strong with a local severe weather threat. Here’s Today’s Severe Weather Outlook from the Storm Prediction Center…

Winds will be a player today regardless of storms. Gusts of 30mph or greater will show up from time to time, especially in the west and central parts of the state.

Scattered showers and storms rumble through into Sunday, but you will still get a lot of dry hours in there.

Weekend rainfall totals look to be the highest in central and western Kentucky where some local issues can’t be ruled out. Here are a couple of rainfall forecasts…

The setup for the week ahead will feature near normal temps for the first half of the week with some scattered storms around. A big dip in the jet stream shows up by the end of the week with the threat for strong storms ahead of this Wednesday and Thursday.

This dip in the jet stream likely comes from a huge upper low closing off into the eastern half of the country. The EURO has more of a cold weather season look to it…

That’s some well below normal air pinwheeling back in with that setup…

The EURO Ensembles suggest this trough in the east and ridge in the west hangs around into the middle of the month…

That would make for some pretty comfy temps during this time.

One thing to watch is this trough doesn’t get as deep as forecast and puts us on the southern edge of it, which is typically the battle zone. That could very well turn really storm if that’s the case.

Speaking of stormy, I have you all set to do some Saturday storm tracking…

Current watches
Current Watches

Possible Watch Areas

Current MDs

Make it a great day and take care.