Good Tuesday, everyone. Rounds of thunderstorms are targeting the region over the next few days and some may be strong or severe. This is ahead a potent cold front that brings much cooler air into the state for the rest of the week.

All of this may very well be leading us into a wetter pattern, too.

Our day likely starts with a complex of big storms dropping in from the northwest. This should be in weaking mode as it does so but can still produce some healthy wind gusts for some. Once this settles down, watch for a few storms to go up this afternoon and evening and some of those may be strong or severe.

The Storm Prediction Center continues to highlight the region in today’s Severe Weather Outlook…

Rounds of showers and storms will continue to rumble across the state tonight into Wednesday and some of these may also be strong or severe. Here’s the Wednesday Severe Weather Outlook from the Storm Prediction Center…

In addition to strong and severe storms, storms will pack torrential rains that can cause local high-water issues.

Much cooler than normal air settles in behind this front for Thursday and Friday and we keep the below normal going into the weekend as a few more showers and storms try to flare back up. Showers and storms will then try to keep ramping up into much of next week as a pipeline of moisture streams in from the southwest…

This may very well be kicking off a prolonged period of above normal rainfall for our region and much of the eastern half of the country. The GFS Ensembles show well above normal rainfall over the next two weeks…

The latest EURO Weeklies keep this above normal rainfall pattern rolling through August…

Bring. It. On.

I leave you with your Tuesday heat and potential severe thunderstorms tracking toys…

Current watches
Current Watches

Possible Watch Areas

Current MDs

Have a terrific Tuesday and take care.