Good Thursday, folks. It’s another hot day across the state as we slowly start to change things up. These changes bring isolated storms in here today with a much greater storm threat over the Labor Day weekend as cooler air finally settles in.

Temps out there today back into the 90s statewide. The numbers will be hotter in the north and west and cooler in the southeast.

While we are backing, the high mountains at Glacier National Park in Montana are getting in on some rare August snows…

I’ll take that all day, every day compared to the heat.

Back to reality. Today’s heat will also be accompanied by a little better chance for a storm or two to go up this afternoon and evening. These can pop at any one location across Kentucky and will show up well on your Kentucky Weather radars…

Friday is another day in the 90s as a cold front inches closer to us from the northwest. This boundary touches off more in the way of scattered storms, especially during the afternoon and evening hours.

The lightning forecast from the EURO shows the potential for these storms…

As the cold front move in on Saturday, showers and storms are more common and the lightning forecast indicates this…

With the kickoff of college football, we want no part of any lightning around here on Saturday. We can handle some showers, but lightning would mean some delays.

Saturday’s showers and storms are NOT all day. Highs are in the 80s.

This front may be slow enough that it keeps a few showers and storms going into Sunday, especially in the south. Dry weather looks to move in for Labor Day…

Temps come way down during this time and will go below normal, making for a very nice opening to the first week of September.

There’s the potential for another system to impact our weather with some rain by the middle and end of next week. Some recent runs of the GFS are showing this and then showing another massive dip in the jet stream coming in behind this…

Have a terrific Thursday and take care.