Good Sunday to one and all. It’s another in a long line of awesome fall weather days and this pattern has more left in the tank. That tank sputters a bit later in the week as a cold front rolls into the region.

Temps today through Tuesday are in the 70s with mostly sunny skies. Enjoy!

A cold front rolls in late Wednesday with the a slight chance for a few showers as colder temps crash in behind it for Thursday and Friday with the chance for another system right behind it over the weekend…

Temps should jump right back up by next weekend.

The models are struggling with how to handle the setup to close out the month. The EURO AI slows down the deep system rolling from the plains into the east because it’s see the potential for additional tropical development…

Speaking of the tropics… Remember that system we were watching as it made its way into the Caribbean? It decided to blow up and become Hurricane Oscar. It’s a small and slow-mover that’s heading into Cuba…

cone graphic

This won’t have an impact on the USA, so that’s good. This is one of the smallest hurricanes you will ever see…

This is the 10th hurricane in the Atlantic basin so far and that’s pretty uncommon…

I’ll have to look into any possible correlation with those hurricane years and the winters that followed.

Have a great day and take care.